Individuals currently in the State on the basis of Stamp 4S under the Special Scheme for non-EEA nationals who held a Student Permission in the State during the period 1 January 2005 to 31 December 2010 will soon be required to renew their status for the first time.
The conditions attached to your current permission under the Special Scheme for students (stamp 4S) in the 2-year period, is as follows:
- Has resided in the State continuously. Continuous residency means living in the State for a period covered by this temporary permission allowing for reasonable periods of absence from the State for holiday, exceptional family circumstances or commitments outside the State arising from business or employment carried on within the State.
- Does not become a burden on the State.
- Does not come to the adverse attention of the Gardaí (Irish police), immigration authorities, or other State authorities
- At the end of the two year period, you demonstrate the acquisition of at least the minimum language skills (English) at level A.2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
How do I demonstrate the acquisition of Level A.2 CEFR?
- If you have previously studied English in the State, you should provide documentary evidence of this including certificates or educational transcripts of the complete course, Level A.2 or above.
- If you have previously studied a non-language course in the State, you can provide documentary evidence of your education history, such as a certificate, showing you have completed a course which required a minimum language skill (English) at level A.2 or above.
- In the absence of a certificate, individuals will need to complete an English test which produces a certificate of the Level A.2 of the CEFR
How do I renew my status?
If you reside in Dublin
You can submit your application and all supporting documents online, including the payment of registration fees. Once complete follow the email instructions. You will need to send your original Irish Registration Card (IRP) and a copy of the acknowledgement email to the Immigration Services by registered post.
More information on how to use the portal, found here.
Further information on required documents, found here.
If you reside outside of Dublin
You will need to book an appointment at your local GNIB office.